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HomePresentersSpace Healthcare – Humans In Space

Space Healthcare (Humans In Space)

Humans In Space and ASCEND are inviting researchers with transformative space healthcare research ideas to submit their abstracts.

As a result of the partnership between Boryung, the host of Humans In Space Challenge, and AIAA, a new Space Healthcare (Humans In Space) topic has been added to the 2025 ASCEND Call for Content.

Submissions may relate to items such as:

Space Healthcare (Humans In Space)
This field is dedicated to the health, safety, and performance of astronauts during space missions, while also leveraging the unique conditions of space to advance medical knowledge and solutions on Earth. This field encompasses the prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and management of medical conditions in the extreme environment of space, addressing both the unique challenges faced by astronauts and the broader implications for terrestrial health.

Critical Problems In Space ↓

  • Life Modelling In Space: Covers biological hazards imposed by the Space environment (Altered gravity, hostile/closed environment, isolation, distance from Earth, Radiation, etc)
    • Sub topics may include but not limited to: Neurological risk, Dermatology risk, Respiratory risk, Cardiovascular risk, Immune risk, Renal risk, Reproductive & Development system risk, Musculoskeletal risk, Carcinogenesis Risk (We are also open to System Biology topic submissions aside from body system specific researches)
  • Medical Operations for Space Exploration: Covers studies on medical technology and system and relevant guidelines and protocols to address health risks identified during crewed space exploration
    • Sub topics may include but not limited to: Monitoring and Diagnosis System, Clinical Decision Support System, Pharmacology & Medication System, Food and Nutrition

Critical Problems On Earth ↓

  • Life Science Research Leveraging Space Environment: Covers researches conducted in space to better understand life and material science phenomenon for the betterment of healthcare on Earth
    • Sub topics may include but not limited to: Disease modelling, Analyzing macromolecules, Microbiological Research, Advancing nano fluidics, Elucidating molecular response
  • Biomanufacturing in Space: Covers production of therapeutics and biomaterials in space
    • Sub topics may include but not limited to: Tissue engineering & Regenerative medicine (3D culture, stem cell, organoids, etc) and Advanced manufacturing and materials (Crystal growth, Additive manufacturing, etc)

Selected technical papers under the Space Healthcare (Humans In Space) topic will be personally invited to apply for the Orbital Launch Funding track of the annual Humans In Space Challenge. These teams will receive the advantage of automatically advancing to the second round of evaluation.

About Humans In Space

Humans In Space is a global challenge hosted by Boryung that leads in identifying and solving Space Healthcare challenges. Since 2022, the initiative has brought together researchers, entrepreneurs, institutions, and corporations to address critical healthcare challenges for extended human presence in space and to improve healthcare on Earth through space-based innovations.

Selected teams may receive up to $50,000 of equity investment* or up to $250,000 of orbital launch* funding to support their on-orbit experiments.

*Note: Award amounts are subject to change without notice. For the latest information, please visit the Humans In Space website.

Timeline & Application Process


24 September 2024


21 November 2024


November 2024 – January 2025


March 2025


May / June 2025 (Selected Technical Papers are given the option to apply for HIS Challenge Orbital Experiment Funding by submitting a separate Orbital Experiment Plan Form)


22–24 July 2025


September 2025 (Selected Technical Papers are given the benefit of bypassing 1st Round of Evaluation and automatically advancing to the 2nd Round of Evaluation)


September 2025 (Refer to the Humans in Space Website for more information on the next steps)
Important Notes
  • When submitting your abstract to the ASCEND Call for Papers, please be sure to check the “Space Healthcare (Humans in Space)” option under the Space Domain Challenges.
  • Once your Technical Paper has been selected by the ASCEND Technical Program Committee, you will be separately notified regarding the Humans In Space Challenge Application Process. You have the option to apply for the Challenge or not and this will not affect your eligibility to present at the 2025 ASCEND Conference.
  • Please note that selected Technical Papers must submit a Full Manuscript to be presented at the 2025 ASCEND Conference to be eligible to apply for the Humans In Space Challenge Orbital Launch Funding. We follow the No Paper No Podium and No Podium No Paper policy of ASCEND
  • Please note that you are free to apply separately to the Humans In Space Challenge through the regular track once applications open regardless of the Technical Paper selection status
Contact Details

For any questions or concerns, please contact Craig Day or (

About Boryung
Boryung is a healthcare investment company founded in 1957 and headquartered in Seoul, South Korea. Following the company’s mission to become an indispensable contributor to human health, the company has expanded their business portfolio to the space healthcare industry. Recognizing space as a new realm for growth, Boryung acknowledges the increasing number of individuals anticipated to embark on prolonged space missions, highlighting the importance of ensuring human survival in the hostile space environment. Hence, the company believes there will be substantial opportunities to foster new technologies and meet the emerging needs in this field.

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